February is National Pet Dental Health Month!

February is designated as National Pet Dental Health Month because your pet’s dental care is just as important as your own.  

It is important to have your pet’s mouth examined at least once per year for any signs of broken teeth, gingivitis, dental plaque, and growths.  Any of these things could cause your pet to be uncomfortable, cause bad breath, bleeding or swelling.  Painful teeth or infected gums can make the pet not want to eat, and most importantly could threaten his/her overall health and well-being.  If left untreated, unhealthy teeth and gums can cause liver, kidney and heart disease as well as bone infections in the jaw.

Cricket Ridge Animal Hospital has a dedicated dental suite with digital x-ray and state of the art dental equipment to safely and effectively clean your pet’s teeth.  When you bring your pet in for a dental cleaning, we will first perform bloodwork to make sure your pet is healthy enough to go under anesthesia.  Once the procedure is complete, your pet can go home with clean, fresh breath and a healthy mouth.

Clean teeth for a healthy mouth

To help promote and raise awareness, we are offering dental cleaning discounts in February to encourage pet owners to keep their companion’s teeth clean and in good health.  Call (440) 739-4150 or email [email protected] today to schedule an appointment for a full mouth examination or a dental cleaning to take advantage of the discount.